понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Soo... How long has it been? Four months? Ooops... Well, I have been especially busy with clinical. Working 40 hours a week when Iapos;m used to the lazy university student life.

Iapos;m halfway through clinical now, and Iapos;m at the college today for accreditation. At last we get to vent about the things weapos;d like to improve about the program. Which means I actually have to speak in front of a group. Crap. Itapos;ll be good though.

Whatapos;s coming up for me? Iapos;ve put a pause on my original story. I know, I know, Iapos;ve been working on it for like a year, but Iapos;ve been getting no where lately, and my muse has been petting plot bunnies in front of me. So Iapos;ve been thinking about a PP story- a bit of a AU. Iapos;ve starting plotting it out, but of course it will take me forever to write it out. Iapos;m too much of a procrastinator to do anything quickly.

Oh, btw, how awesome was the Doctor Who Christmas special. Kylie

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exalted timbermaw

A. Not say Iapos;ll be back so soon


B. Actually be back when I say I will

and though I fear it wonapos;t happen anytime soon, it would be nice to try~ lol

there was also more frost on my windsheild this morning..........I so wish it would stop being cold for a lil while....
but, there is something good that comes out of it being so cold: the sky was really clear tonight, it was beautiful. I could see all the stars shining bright and the moon was HUGE I love it when the moon looks so close that you could touch it, it was a creamy?�yellow color, so nice~
of course tonight I forgot the camera......T_T
so the rest of yesterdaysapos; pics will have to do~

of course once I saw how cool it looked tinted....:

and, doesnapos;t it look like itapos;s snowing??? I�just changed a few things and I guess it picked up th eparticles on the windshield or in the air or something.... (the other lights are street lights~)

i may be back, u never know.....but tonight is the usual mega laundry night so I have ta start that soon.......so wonderful.......*ahem*

mwah, mwah, mwah ~mel

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This week was soo much fun, just because my friends always make me laugh.
Derek makes me laugh everyday to the point i need to pee my pants.
then at buffalo wild wings, he made me laugh like mad, it hurt, i wanted to die hahah. It hurt so bad i had to get up before i exploded.

THEN Raquel and Elizabeth came into town
We got pulled over twice hahah
first time, her headligghts were not on and the cop thought we were drinking.
then we got back to campus and got in the car with Travis,
we went to ice cream then we were headed back, and on campus, he made a wrong turn, so he went to make a apos;Travis point turn" and we got pulled over by the security man hahha.

Yesterday, Raquel and Elizabeth went to classes with us.
then I randomly finaly became friends with Daniel... Always thought he hated me ha.
Last night, was also the campus drive in movie night. It was hellllla cold and i froze my ass off.
After that, a bunch of us went to star bucks, then Chris Emily, Annah and I went bowling.
It was a good day. :]

Now today
Had breakfast for lunch with friend.
and now im here waiting to go costum shopping
Iapos;m gonna be a bumble bee :]

And tonight is gonna be my first haloweeny night.
Nick invited me to go to a haunted house... Altho, im kinda scared :/
Emily told me i can jsut hang onto Nick ha :P

Leaves are changing colors.
People flying kites.
Pumpkins being sold.
Weather getting cold.

i like this whole season thing.
itapos;s nice.

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Each time i take a personality test, it gives me a slightly different answer..none of them have mentioned major neuroses yet...

The Quiet Riot

Your personality code is: ISTP

You may be introverted but youapos;re no wilting flower. Although you tend to be naturally quiet, you also love to take risks in all parts of your life. Extreme sports, gambling (on the tables and in your love life), and exciting careers seem to be your forte and because of your natural ability to look at any situation from all sides you seem prepared for anything. Open to new things, you may find yourself the life of the party but remember that you can use your skills to influence others for more important endeavors too.

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...prowled the aisles like a predator, looks from those around me like I didnapos;t belong there, some wondering if i was new the neighborhood with a glance awaiting eye contact that stayed just a little too long to be unfriendly...i remember scowering the aisles of that very shop with mary, oriana and that frosted sort in the early hours following a drunken debacle...i suddenly have a hankerinapos; for ninja turtle candy canes...

...i had to go, theyapos;re the only ones who carry the large bottles of french vanilla cream; by far my most gripping of vices...few men realize the fury and destruction i might unleash upon the world if I am denied my hot fresh pressed coffee with that french vanilla twist...

...i want another pair of shoes, but I donapos;t think my shoe rack (or my credit card) can handle it...already buckling under the weight of a million shoes (she canna handle anymore)...weapos;ll see tomorrow when the red menace pays me and then subsequently takes it all back for itapos;s services...

...i want a government job...boring and stable, Iapos;m growing tired of uncle ted, his company and the lack of any job security...I think I want to find/clone a roommate and move...I have months left on this lease, but this place is a steal and iapos;ve no doubt Iapos;d find someone to take it over...the real trick is finding someone I could live with...without having to kill them a few months later...itapos;s just talk right now, I love this place, I love living on my own...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Im really sick of people acting like my friend serisouly stop cause all it does is hurt me in the end. I wear my heart on my sleave I take things that shouldnt bother me at all to the heart and no one ever realizes this. I while back i gave one of my friends another chance considering we were friends since 10th grade he got mad at me putting a thing on Windows live messenger saying i hate you but for some stupid reason he thought it was to him when it was truly to my friend cause they had found a stewie GIF before i did and i was looking ALL DAY for it ... I know stupid right? ... But anyway he mentioned that i never talked to him or Imed him first Ok first of all im not Iming you if you have FUCK OFF as your info thing and when i did he just said leave me alone so thier was no point in trying to talk consideirng he pushes people away when hes pissed off. Serisouly none of this bothered me that much but dont blame me for not talking to you on myspace or anything the comment button works both ways buddy and�i figured u needed your space and would wait till your ready to talk. ... Im really done wasting my time being friends with people like this all they do is make me mad in the end with thier High School drama I� dont need it anymore im done.

Another thing that is eating away at me is the issue with my Dad yea im sure everyone has heard it at some point. We didnt talk for like 5 months then when we went back up north for a visit i had got in touch with him and i said "Hey Dad its Ray" and YAY for me all i got was an "oh" . That makes me feel like such a peice of crap and the fact that i havent talked to him since then hurts to and i doubt he cares what hes doing to me cause if he did id get a call every once in a while. I dont know if its better to talk to him or not yes it hurts that he doesnt call me and i wont call him because i dont want to call him while hes at work or something but i honestly think it hurts more to talk him because everytime i do talk to him he yells at me for something i didnt do. I want to hate him so bad just so it wont hurt anymore. My Dad was a person i looked up to my whole life and i thought he would never hurt me but now it feels like i dont have a Dad considering other things are more important to him now then me.... I really really really wish i could erase him from my memory maybe i would be truly happy again instead of blaming myself for something i didnt do.

This is to everyone please if your gonna try and be my friend then do it dont stab me in the back dont hurt me with high school drama i cant do it anymore im sick and tierd of hurting.

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Iapos;ll keep you my dirty secret....
Donapos;t tell anyone or youapos;ll be just another regret...
Who has to know..?

I am loving All American Rejects Right now..�
I just got a myyearbook.com acccount and I am loving it.

Oh Oh Oh Good news
I got my first ever piece of GCSE English coursework back today and guess what i got
C? I thought so but no.
B? I wish
A? OMG You guessed it

I Laura-Mae Cunningham got an A
And to think i dreaded it, oh i feel so good.

John Tucker Must Die.x
What? Slut In Truck Shit//x

I love that movie itapos;s like mean girls but like almost better. X

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