четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

copthorne effingham hotel park

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend here. The weather was incredible... Sunny and very warm.... The outdoor thermometer hit 25.4 C at one point.

We have lots to be thankful for including the fact that both of our delightful daughters were able to spend the entire Thanksgiving weekend at home. They both did lots of eating and sleeping and just generally enjoyed some "down" time. I think their lives in the city are very busy and they need some quiet time once in a while

We walked on the road and in the woods and took in all of the beautiful colours of the trees. In the ten years weapos;ve lived here, I think that this has been the best fall for colour. We had enough rain in the summer to keep the trees from drying out and so they still had lovely, green fresh leaves that have now turned all sorts of beautiful colours.

Our Thanksgiving dinner consisted of a "Tofurkey" with gravy, mashed potatoes (from our garden), homemade dressing, squash and brussel sprouts (again from our garden). Pumpkin pie with whipped cream was the perfect sweet ending to a wonderful dinner.

All of that sun, and even some wind, meant that the daughters could watch as much TV as they liked... The batteries were nicely charged up every day. Life just doesnapos;t get any better :)

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