пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

aeris and cloud pic

Im really sick of people acting like my friend serisouly stop cause all it does is hurt me in the end. I wear my heart on my sleave I take things that shouldnt bother me at all to the heart and no one ever realizes this. I while back i gave one of my friends another chance considering we were friends since 10th grade he got mad at me putting a thing on Windows live messenger saying i hate you but for some stupid reason he thought it was to him when it was truly to my friend cause they had found a stewie GIF before i did and i was looking ALL DAY for it ... I know stupid right? ... But anyway he mentioned that i never talked to him or Imed him first Ok first of all im not Iming you if you have FUCK OFF as your info thing and when i did he just said leave me alone so thier was no point in trying to talk consideirng he pushes people away when hes pissed off. Serisouly none of this bothered me that much but dont blame me for not talking to you on myspace or anything the comment button works both ways buddy and�i figured u needed your space and would wait till your ready to talk. ... Im really done wasting my time being friends with people like this all they do is make me mad in the end with thier High School drama I� dont need it anymore im done.

Another thing that is eating away at me is the issue with my Dad yea im sure everyone has heard it at some point. We didnt talk for like 5 months then when we went back up north for a visit i had got in touch with him and i said "Hey Dad its Ray" and YAY for me all i got was an "oh" . That makes me feel like such a peice of crap and the fact that i havent talked to him since then hurts to and i doubt he cares what hes doing to me cause if he did id get a call every once in a while. I dont know if its better to talk to him or not yes it hurts that he doesnt call me and i wont call him because i dont want to call him while hes at work or something but i honestly think it hurts more to talk him because everytime i do talk to him he yells at me for something i didnt do. I want to hate him so bad just so it wont hurt anymore. My Dad was a person i looked up to my whole life and i thought he would never hurt me but now it feels like i dont have a Dad considering other things are more important to him now then me.... I really really really wish i could erase him from my memory maybe i would be truly happy again instead of blaming myself for something i didnt do.

This is to everyone please if your gonna try and be my friend then do it dont stab me in the back dont hurt me with high school drama i cant do it anymore im sick and tierd of hurting.

aeris and cloud pic, aeris and cloud shrine.

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